Month: January 2020
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Competence conducted a Workshop on Enhancing Value-Added Production and Export in Jordan’s Manufacturing Sector
CMC conducted a Workshop on Enhancing Value-Added Production and Export in Jordan’s Manufacturing Sector which took place on 27th November 2019 at the Amman Chamber of Industry. The workshop focused on SMEs in the Jordanian manufacturing sector, specifically in the sectors of dates, herbs, and cosmetics. The workshop brought together participants from the private sector, Jordanian chambers of industry, and major international development institutions active in the country. Discussions explored the competitiveness and export prospects of SMEs, quality standards for export and domestic markets, and trade challenges and opportunities between Jordan and other high-value markets such as the EU.
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Competence leads the program of EBDA
Competence Management Consulting leads the program of EBDA (Entrepreneurship and Business Development Activities program) which targeted Syrian refugees and vulnerable youth in Jordan offers solutions to generate new businesses and develop/expand further existing businesses through an extensive program that trained these businesses owners to build a professional business plan and expand their business knowledge.
EBDA logic was depending on training the participants and then developing a competition in which the best 9 finals won financial and technical support.
Competence arranged for two final events at EBDA project, one of which was conducted in Amman on 10/4/2019 where the semi-final chosen participants were invited to the first closed BPC event to pitch their business plans after they worked with their mentors on them, in front of experienced selected judges, then those final 15 selected were qualified to the final pitching event in which 9 winners were selected by the same qualified judges.
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Competence conducted a training for more than 20 members of int@j
Competence trained more than 20 members of the ICT Association of Jordan – int@j during a 5-day training on export readiness specifically for the ICT sector
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Competence signed an agreement with King Abdullah II Fund for Development
Competence signed an agreement with King Abdullah II Fund for Development on 22/12/2019 to take advantage of the Nejmy platform – the leading digital business incubator in the Middle East – one of the services provided by Competence. The agreement aims to provide specialized training content in the Arabic language in entrepreneurship via the electronic platform – one of KAFD’s initiatives.